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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

Why is it that Demons often seem to Reveal what they are Doing by Publicly Broadcasting It?

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This is just a curiosity to me, but over time I have noticed that people who are under the control of demonic forces always seem to disclose what they’re doing before they do it. Have you noticed this too? Do you happen to know why they do this, because I seriously do not know? If you have an answer to this, please comment following this post, I would appreciate any serious responses a great deal.

Let me give you a couple of examples and I’ll use Joe Biden for these first two or three because he is currently under the control of demonic forces and has been for a very long time. The two really big ones that Joe’s demons disclosed were during the campaign leading up to the 2020 U.S. general election. Joe Biden & Kamala Harris’ campaign text number was “30330”.

Now at first glance that doesn’t seem odd or strange, it seems perfectly normal. However, if you divide the election year 2020 by 666, you get the result of “3.0330“, and I’m sorry, but there’s nothing perfectly normal about that fact. Quite a number people knew about this and were circulating this information leading up to the election, and this went on for several months so it is highly doubtful that Joe Biden was unaware of this.

For as strange and bizarre as this is on its own, it isn’t something that a person absolutely can’t overlook if they tried to do that, because it is possible that a staffer who doesn’t like Joe set up his campaign text number and thought it would be fun to associate him with something evil. That is a very possible scenario and I know that. I can admit this because first of all, my intentions aren’t to make Joe Biden look bad, in fact, I’d much prefer being able to have never written about this alleging that Joe is being manipulated by demonic forces, or believing that what I’m saying is the truth. I’d much prefer not being able to connect these dots due to lack of physical proof to back up any of it, but unfortunately, that does not seem to be in the stars for me.

This information about the association of the number 30330 with the mark of the beast number 666 was known at a very early stage of the campaign and nobody even bothered or attempted to change the number. I mean, if this was something that a staffer did just to make Biden look bad, without a doubt to Christians such as I am it certainly didn’t help Joe Biden at all.

The King James Version of the Bible and the specific scripture that is the most connected or relevant to this is as follows :

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

The Holy Bible, book of Revelation”, Chapter 13:18 – King James Version

Personally, I would have changed the number promptly had I been in Joe Biden’s shoes at the time, and I would have dug into who set up the number and why they chose the number they did, just to have an understanding of how it happened. It is possible that it was just by complete coincidence that the number was used, but the odds of that happening statistically speaking are extremely low, like in quantum mechanics terms kind of low.

That doesn’t make it impossible, that would just mean that Joe and Kamala have some extremely bad luck; like unparalleled in recorded history kind of bad luck as far as optics are concerned.

If you will notice in the image above, Joe is not using his World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative slogan “Build Back Better” on that particular sign during the speech. Instead, he is using one of his other slogans, “Battle for the Soul of the Nation”, which is quite a strange slogan too I might add, especially when your campaign’s text number solves the division problem of “2020/666” and the result is the number you want people to use in order to show their support for your campaign.

I mean it is possible that this is all coincidence, it just isn’t very likely that it is. This wasn’t the only disclosure that was made by Joe’s demons during the campaign. At some point Joe Biden released a video where he stated that he believed that he had put together the most comprehensive voter fraud network in the history of American politics.

That certainly wasn’t a lie, because Dinesh D’Souza’s recent movie 2000 Mules (released in 2022) damn sure made that much as clear as day. Based on all of the things that Joe Biden has said which can be verified as flat out lies since taking office, it is possible that what he said in that particular video is the most honest claim he has made since being in the White House.

That same movie also revealed something else, and that is that Donald Trump’s own Attorney General, William Barr, is either completely incompetent or deliberately lying for some reason when he says that there wasn’t any election fraud. There is a third option in Bill Barr’s case, and that is that he is under the control of demonic forces also, but out of those three choices there is a 100% chance that it is one or possibly a combination of two of those three choices. Whatever Bill’s case may be, it is in that list of three choices.

That gives Bill Barr a 33% chance of just being a complete idiot if you take nothing but the three choices into consideration and nothing else. Since I don’t believe he is incompetent it means that either one or both of the two remaining choices are true and in either case, he is not someone whom I’d advise people to listen to about much of anything at all, but especially not something as critical to the survival of our republic as combating election fraud is.

On a topic like that, Bill Barr should not be taken seriously on anything he has said about that topic before, or that he ever has to say about that subject matter again. There is hard proof that he was wrong about it and that is all that really matters when it boils right down to importance and therefore he should keep his mouth shut about it as well from now on, but at the very least he should be ignored if he chooses not to do so.

That is unless he decides to start believing the mountain of forensic evidence that has been collected and made known publicly. You’d think that something like forensic evidence would mean something to a former U.S. Attorney General, but considering that Merrick Garland also refuses to do his job and act in the best interests of this country and its citizens, this disregard of easily provable facts seems to be the rule rather than the exception to it these days.

Getting back to the main subject of this post, the disclosure in the video that Biden released about his best-in-class election fraud network that he says he put together is something that is par for the course on the topic of demonic disclosures ahead of their planned antagonistic activities. To anyone who isn’t compromised by the dark forces involved in putting this information out there, seeing the video was a jaw dropper to say the least.

If you happen to be a Christian or consider yourself to be one and you also believe that I’ve lost my mind talking about demonic forces and things happening in real time that are supernatural, and you decide to label me a conspiracy theorist nut-job that wears a tinfoil hat, let me remind you that I’m not the one who originally claimed such things. God did, and He did this in the very Book that is at the very heart of the faith that you claim a right to, the Bible. Demons absolutely are real, they are here, and right now they seem to have complete control over what seems to be nearly the entire Democrat party in the United States and quite a few members of the GOP, as well as some powerful government institutions that our nation depends upon to help keep the peace.

Those vital institutions are the entities with the power and authority in this nation that could do something to stop most of what they are doing., such as the FBI for sure, the bulk of the news media, and many wealthy and powerful executives at numerous global corporations.

The biggest problem the world has is also the only problem it has ever had, Satan. And with him comes all the evil he can carry. I’d still like to know why the demons project though, that would be useful knowledge to have a definitive answer.

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