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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

Donald Trump Needs to Drop the Idea of Issuing the Death Penalty for Drug-Related Criminal Offenses

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U.S. President Donald J. Trump - Black and White Photo

I have been a loyal Trump supporter for quite a while now. I have agreed with everything he has done on public policy that I have seen, and if there is anything I’m not in agreement with in that regard, then I have no knowledge of it and I do a great deal of political research.

That was true right up until I heard his two most recent speeches and he advocated for issuing the death penalty to drug dealers. I do not know where he picked up this idea (although he did reference Xi Jinping as one individual that he spoke with on the matter), but this is a terrible thing to advocate for or to desire as public policy in the United States of America.

And I don’t know what the man was thinking by citing Xi Jinping as some kind of a justification for this newfound terrible idea as if somehow that is a positive thing. After all, Xi Jinping is a genocidal, Communist, oppressive, and corrupt dictator.

He and his political party have been committing human rights atrocities in China for at least two decades or longer according to numerous accounts from people who have lived or who still live in China. Even our Congress has officially entered into the Congressional record that we acknowledge that this is happening and condemn it.

The absolute last thing this country needs right now is for the GOP to take back control of Congress and revert to the same hard-liner and hawkish policy stances they had the last times they took control and completely messed it up.

So to President Trump, I would encourage him to reconsider his stance on this issue. This is the only issue I have ever had that I disagree with him on, but this one issue, should he push to have it on the GOP platform will cause him to lose my vote as well as all of the support that I have for him. There is no room here, if this is in the Republican platform, I will no longer vote Republican regardless of any other factor that is an issue regarding anything at all right now.

This single issue is a deal killer for me personally, and yes, I will absolutely throw my vote away over it because this is not even close to being something that the framers of the Constitution would have condoned within the borders of this nation. It is violent, it is unjust, it is evil, and it is one of the most un-American things I’ve ever heard a U.S. President utter or that I have read about them uttering.

I won’t be voting Democrat either, however, because I don’t condone election theft or treason from the office of the POTUS either. Both of which I sincerely believe that Joe Biden is guilty of, as well as numerous other crimes, a number of which are felonies. I don’t agree with the politicization of our institutions or weaponizing them to go after your political enemies, again, I believe that Joe Biden is actively doing this as well.

This stance regarding issuing the death penalty for drug-related offenses coincidentally is something that Joe Biden once passionately advocated for, unsuccessfully, thank God. The CCP chairman, Xi Jinping actually implements similar policies upon his oppressed population that he resides over as their tyrant and oppressor.

We are dealing with so many problems that giving our government too much power has caused right now, why on earth would I want to give them the power to issue the death penalty for offenses like that? That is insanity. If Trump does this and is successful, the next thing he knows he’ll be convicted of dealing drugs and executed by the very people he wanted to issue this unconstitutional excessive power to. This is by far the worst thing I’ve ever heard the man say.

If this is part of the GOP platform come November, I will stop voting for GOP politicians until it is no longer part of their platform and I will actively campaign against them. Period.

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