ad captandum vulgus

The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

Can Democrat Politicians or their Voting Base Justify Rogue Prosecutors?

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Criminals (thieves in particular), while they do sometimes discriminate based on various factors involved in the crime and who the victim is, in general do not typically discriminate.

Most of the time if a thief wants something that you have bad enough, they will do what they have to in order to steal it. Many times it is based solely on opportunity combined with chances of success without being caught and it is that simple. Their targets are targets of opportunity, and this is probably the majority of the time when looking at behavior of the thieves who don’t generally get caught as much as others might.

Violent offenders sometimes have reasons for attacking certain people but they often don’t discriminate at all. Some violent criminals randomly attack people who did absolutely nothing to provoke this and had never crossed paths with the criminal prior to the attack.

Knowing this, and that is all true and factual, if you are a Democrat how can you justify simply sitting by and doing and saying nothing about prosecutors refusing to prosecute violent crimes and theft?

Why do you condone these criminals being released without paying any bail on PR bonds right back out onto the very streets they were just arrested on for committing crimes that we have established laws in place for the purpose of protecting innocent people? This position is indefensible, are you aware of that?

The only reason this activity on the part of a prosecutor could or would possibly be happening is without any doubt whatsoever, a nefarious one. It is intentional, and the only possible motive is to cause more crime to take place. There are no other possibilities, there is no defense, no reasonable or logical argument that can be made to justify this behavior on the part of any prosecutor who is presently acting in this manner. There is a 100% certainty that these prosecutors want to cause harm to the very society you live in.

Your political party is the only organization at this present point in time that can change this, and not doing so on the part of your elected leaders is immoral, and it is unethical, it is an act of pure aggression aimed not only at your political opponents but at you as well because as I stated early on, there is absolutely nothing that prevents these criminals from victimizing you just as they would a Republican or a Libertarian or a Progressive.

You don’t have to agree with me, that is your choice. If that is the choice you make now that you have read this, that’s all you. It is a bad choice because I’m not giving you advice that is going to cause you harm, I’m giving you advice that is an attempt to get you to take yourselves and everyone else out of the path of people who do want to cause you and everyone else harm. This particular issue is not partisan, it is fundamental to everyone living here in this country; fundamentally, this issue is an American issue.

Here is something to consider before you decide whether or not to ignore what I’ve written here and I beg you to consider it as well:

You are being attacked by the people you elected to public office, why? Why are they doing this to you? To their voting base?

Don’t you want an answer to that question? You gave them your vote, are you getting a fair price in return for that vote? Was it a fair trade?

I’m not trying to ‘game’ you, your government is, however.

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