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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

U.S. Politics in 2022, in a Nutshell

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Four men onboard a sinking ship end up in a wooden lifeboat together, not one of them knew any of the others prior to the situation they abruptly found themselves in now.

They had some basic supplies, food, and water, and enough to sustain them all for a period of time which increased their odds of being rescued alive by a nice margin. What they didn’t have was very much in the way of being able to keep warm and the temperature where the ship had gone down was almost freezing, and only slightly above it by one or two degrees by midnight each night.

As unlikely as it seems could be possible, each one of their political views differed from every other’s. There was a libertarian, a progressive, a republican, and a democrat, and all of them were political pundits who were on the cruise following a group of high level political leaders from the U.S. ahead of an upcoming election that was only a week away. This made for somewhat awkward moments of tense conversations and almost resulted in a physical altercation at least three times during the ordeal.

The ambient temperature during the daylight hours was actually quite pleasant, it was not too hot and not too cold, but they all dreaded nightfall because the temperature quickly plummeted almost to freezing and it was quite miserable for them all.

They could huddle together at night to keep warm, which added to their misery because politically they had nothing in common with one another and none of them would have likely been friends with the other in a normal situation back home, and it is highly unlikely that there is anything back home which would have ever led to a situation where they all decided to hug one another for a long period of time every day.

Maybe a cold day in hell would have prompted that, which is very unlikely to happen and therefore this simply wouldn’t have transpired, and especially not several days in a row if it ever did happen even once.

Eventually, the democrat had simply arrived at his wit’s end and could not bear a single moment longer of being within 5 feet of any of the others and claimed the bow as his own personal domain and declared an area of about 8 square feet off limits to all of the others and threatened them with violence if they ignored his new unilaterally established borders. If they crossed any of his boundaries, he made clear, he would beat them until they lost consciousness and throw them overboard to drown or to suffer whatever fate might have in store for them after he did so.

It only took one night for things to devolve into a catastrophe for them all. By sundown, the libertarian, the progressive, and the republican were huddled together and had already dozed off.

The democrat was occupying his empire at the bow and had managed to keep it together until shortly before midnight rolled around, and the temperature became completely intolerable for him. He had already been thinking of ways he could warm up without having to depend on the other three and he had been kicking around the idea of starting a small fire, something he could be sure he’d be able to contain and keep under control and within his area of the boat.

Between the current temperature which was still falling slowly toward freezing and having too much pride to stomach deciding to swallow it all and choose to ask the others to forgive him and help him keep warm, he finally made the choice to start a small fire to warm up. He did so and let it burn for a short period of time and then used some sea water to extinguish the small reaction which worked. He warmed himself up to a bearable level of temperature and for a short period of time, he was content. But it was short lived.

The warmth the fire had provided to him was like an addictive drug, and the temptation to start the fire again became more than he could bear to resist the urge for more of, and so again, he lit the small fire and warmed himself to the point where he was able to extinguish it again.

This pattern repeated several times throughout the night and he was feeling achieved, and confident that this was a solution which would work to prevent him from having to have anything to do with the other three fools on the other end of the boat that all of them were trapped on with one another. Anything was better than suffering being within 5′ of any one of them, let alone all three of them. Even freezing to death would be a more tolerable fate and therefore worth the risk he was taking to avoid them at any cost.

Things seemed to be working out for him right up until he was warming himself up by his personal improvised heater and accidentally dozed off. It wasn’t intentional, but that didn’t affect to any degree what the resulting consequences were.

He was sound asleep and quite comfortable when the near freezing cold water suddenly reached his feet and he jumped up and observed that the entire front of the lifeboat had been consumed and there was a large enough portion of the boat that was no longer there that prevented him from having any means available to keep the water from filling the entire boat.

This happened rather quickly, and though he had been extremely quiet throughout the night until that point and had not awaken the others at the stern of the boat, the commotion of him having been abruptly awakened by the frigged water contacting his feet and then suddenly jumping to his feet, had awaken them all.

The other three were fully unaware of what was going on or what had caused the front of the boat to have seemingly disappeared, but the freezing cold ankle-deep water they were all standing in which seemed to be quickly rising as well prompted them to search frantically for a way to solve the mutual problem that all four of them now had.

There was nothing they could do. They had no means at their disposal to deal with their present situation. The group of three quickly reached the conclusion that the democrat was to blame for getting them all killed, which they all knew at that point was inevitable. At that point the republican rushed the democrat and started attacking him.

The libertarian said, “We should have thrown him overboard yesterday when he threatened us and isolated himself because at that point, his situation was unsustainable in his isolation, yet still dependent upon our shared food and water supply and without being of any use and having become only a burden, decreasing all of our odds of survival as a result of only his arrogant pride. I hate to say it, but I told you so… Thanks for not listening to my advice because he has now killed all four of us thanks to his poor decisions and choices that he made.”

The progressive, after hearing what the libertarian said made only one statement. He said, “This sucks, you all suck.” He stood still for a moment after saying that, then he dove into the freezing ocean.

The libertarian looked at the republican who had just finished drowning the democrat, and he also dove into the ocean and swam until he couldn’t swim any longer. The republican went down with the lifeboat and eventually went into shock while using the democrat as a floatation device.

The three who didn’t drown, they all went into shock and died as a result of hyperthermia, which didn’t take long to set in after they were in the near freezing water.

This scenario is a fictional scenario and no political pundits were harmed in the process of writing it, but it is quite an accurate comparison to what is happening in the United States of America at the present time and in regard to the political situation and well-being of all of the people who live here. We are all in the same boat, and the democrats are steadily doing everything they can to sink it and cause the demise of the rest of us along with themselves and completely ignoring anything anyone has to say about it.

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