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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

The December 2022 Omnibus Bill’s Passing Ensures that House Republicans Can Achieve Nothing by Having Gained Control of the House of Representatives in the Midterms: You are watching the end of the United States of America and every single one of your lives are in danger

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What the Omnibus bill passing did was to ensure that the Republicans will be able to achieve very little if anything at all in the next two years, even with a slim majority and a yet-to-be-determined Republican Representative holding the gavel as Speaker of the House. It also set in stone that the full Democrat agenda can go forward, virtually unimpeded for several months to come.

That would not have been the case had this bill been defeated and kept out of the hands of Joe Biden. Had it not been for twenty-seven(27) Republican Senators and House Reps who voted in favor of passing this bill, it would have been defeated and the Republicans likely would have been able to set some things straight and improve the lives of average American citizens.

The Republicans who sided with the Democrats on the passing of this bill attest with their vote that they condone every single thing that you are about to read that Joe Biden has done to the people who live in this country. You would think that the fact that he’s doing these things to everyone, not just to Republicans, would carry some kind of retribution and scolding from his own political party but in the year 2022, Democrats are no longer Americans first and after the passing of this bill, it is obvious that a number of Republicans aren’t either.

Keep in mind, this bill comes on the heels of the Republican party suffering an epic letdown in the recent midterm elections that secured a slim majority in the House of Representatives as well. Personally, I believe the Democrats cheated the same way they did in the 2020 election, because Hell, why not? They got caught in 2020 and absolutely nothing happened to them for doing everything they did, and that was a Presidential election not just a midterm election.

It all went pretty much exactly how I thought it would even though Joe Biden wrecked the economy on purpose, made us look like complete asses to the entire world by effectively losing a war for us that we had long ago already won, abandoned 80+ billion dollars worth of state-of-the-art military equipment and weapons for the Taliban to do with as they see fit, and abandoned the most sophisticated air base in the entire world (Bagram Airbase) that is now in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party having cost them absolutely nothing to gain control of it.

Joe Biden is directly and solely responsible for causing our entire country to lose operational visibility in a region of the world that previously cost Americans to lose their lives right here on American soil as a direct result of not having operational visibility in that region. We also lost a critically strategic, heavily fortified and virtually impenetrable position that gave us a strategic advantage over the CCP and helped us keep their aggressions in check throughout the entire world by giving them Bagram Airbase like he did.

He abandoned thousands of people in Afghanistan that his predecessors had assured and promised that they would get out of the country if anything ever went south and we had to leave, then he screwed over our best allies in the process by also turning his back on them, and he wouldn’t even answer the phone for the UK Prime Minister who tried to call him a number of times with no success. Then Prime Minister Boris Johnson begged Joe Biden to revise the withdrawal deadline so that England and our other allies could safely get their people out of harm’s way and Joe Biden completely ignored his phone calls.

Joe Biden intentionally caused supply chain disruptions and problems for us and the rest of the world, he locked people down to the extent he was allowed to by the American citizenry for COVID. He mandated vaccines going so far as to fire thousands Americans from their jobs, some of them having done their jobs for decades, for not adhering to his ultimatum and robbing many of them of their nearing retirements resulting in complete losses of their military benefits and retirement benefits. He griped at the American people in a prime-time news conference and said that “they were losing their patience with all of us”, whatever that is supposed to mean.

Who is this “we” he was referring to? That’s a bit creepy if nothing else, but it absolutely is completely out of bounds and he has no authority to behave in such a way. U.S. presidents do not have such authority over the citizens of this country, he works for US! Not the other way around! Yet since taking office, Joe Biden has behaved worse than the King of England prior to the American Revolution did.

And for the first time in 250 years, Joe Biden is the only POTUS in our country’s history who has allowed a serious global military threat to begin setting up shop in our hemisphere without answering that threat. He has allowed the CCP to quietly build ports and other advanced infrastructure within the entirety of the South American continent, taking no action at all to prevent it or discourage it, and all while the CCP is visibly ramping up their military numbers, heavily training its ranks, and producing state-of-the-art weapons for them to use in massive amounts as well.

It is a military force for what can only be in preparation for challenging one other nation in the entire world, the United States of America, as only the U.S. military can rival the one that China is currently producing. And by the time that Joe Biden finishes wrecking our military by promoting and mandating CRT training meant to brainwash our own military forces and demoralize them, and promoting Gay Pride parades, and hanging giant BLM and Gay Pride flags from our foreign embassies, China’s military won’t just rival our own, it will have surpassed our capabilities and our own operational readiness and we will be at a serious disadvantage right here in our own nation and on our own soil.

We are in danger for the first time in many decades of being even remotely close to the position of occupying the low ground on the international stage. Should China choose at some point in the future to invade the continental U.S. from their numerous modern South American staging points that Joe Biden has allowed them to secure with no opposition at all, that could be big trouble for people living here in this country.

We the People of the United States of America, are now in the worst position we have been in since before the American Revolution because of a single human being and his choice to betray his country in order to get rich and prevent his son from going to prison, and possibly taking Joe and other family members with him as a result. It would be bad enough if that were all Joe Biden has done to us, but it isn’t, there’s more.

On the first day in White House, Joe Biden dissolved the US/Mexico border effectively handing control of it over to the Mexican drug cartels and human traffickers who have since been raking in money hand over fist 24/7, 365. They are flooding our country with deadly fentanyl made in CCP controlled laboratories in Communist China and that drug is responsible for killing over 100,000 Americans last year alone.

Our southern border is wide open and people from every nation on earth have been caught just pouring across it as Joe Biden has the US Customs and Border Patrol processing and releasing as many of them as the US citizenry will allow him to get away with releasing into our interior. Some pundits and political commentators have stated that he’s doing this to secure votes and while this is true to some extent, the primary reason he’s doing this is to intentionally destabilize our society on a fundamental level in order to cause a complete breakdown and collapse of our federal government.

That is his primary objective with opening the border, and all of this has been well thought out and planned out in advance by the people who are behind it all. Who are “the people behind it?”, you might ask. There are several, but mostly it stems from the World Economic Forum and its founder, Klaus Schwab, who since 1971 and the founding of that NGO has worked tirelessly working out how to bring the United States to its knees without the use of military force which would have been virtually impossible to do.

Klaus Schwab had to have a way to accomplish this without using military force, and by 2018 and with the help of the Chinese Communist Party and their virology labs, as well as Dr. Anthony Fauci using U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund the production of a virus they could release to cause a global pandemic, they had produced their global crisis they needed in order to begin their assault on the commoners of the world.

They had successfully produced COVID-19 and it was in the hands of a government that wasn’t concerned about how many people they killed by releasing it into the world, the CCP. Then the CCP did exactly what they were paid to do and released it into the public, and then the CCP intentionally caused it to spread beyond its own borders, the borders of Communist controlled China.

As soon as the virus was declared a global pandemic, Klaus Schwab immediately released a video telling his Forum of Young Global Leaders (YGL) members to launch their assault on the world, and they did. The world saw lockdowns and riots, and all sorts of draconian measures at the hands of tyrant elites affiliated directly with the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab. Though, most people in the world have no idea who Klaus Schwab is, or how powerful he is.

Right now, he’s telling a sitting U.S. President to jump and that President is asking, “how high?”, and then he’s jumping as told to by Klaus. That is how powerful Klaus Schwab is, but factor in that most of the world’s Prime Ministers and heads of state in most nations are affiliated with the World Economic Forum and then you can start to understand what it means to be Klaus Schwab. Power corrupts, just look at Joe Biden if you need a reference to what that means, but absolute power corrupts absolutely and Klaus Schwab has absolute power right now. He is calling the global shots for every nation of the face of the earth.

We all saw things that most of us never thought we’d ever see again, things that were happening in real time throughout the pandemic, and still today we are seeing some of these things transpire in various nations. The majority of the people responsible in most of the countries where these things happened or still are happening are YGL members or direct members of the WEF. It always goes straight back to Davos however, all roads always lead back to Klaus.

Klaus Schwab and his organization have declared war on humanity. They have also declared war on fossil fuels and blame fossil fuels for climate change. They know this isn’t true, but they have convinced enough people that it is to give them enough support and legitimacy to wage their war on the commoners of the world. It is sad that the commoners who have chosen to help them will be just as screwed in the end should Klaus and his efforts pan out and prove successful, because success in his endeavors will be and is measured in the demise of most of the people in the world. That’s what they are working toward, that is their end-game.

This is why Joe Biden has also declared war on fossil fuels and why he has cited the justification that he has for doing so. Just like the southern border, on day one he killed the KeystoneXL pipeline. As a direct result of doing that as well as other things he has directly done to hurt the oil and gas industry in this country, fuel prices predictably began to sky rocket. So for the first time in U.S. history and since its establishment, the U.S. Strategic Oil reserves have been slowly and steadily pumped out in order to artificially reduce fuel prices in the short term.

This is being done for two main reasons, first, to calm the general public and give the false illusion that Joe hasn’t hurt our country and caused high gas prices at the pump. Secondly, this is being done to further compromise our national security even more than all of the other things he’s done to accomplish that same goal.

In addition to the things that Joe is doing directly, Joe Biden and various critical U.S. institutions that have been taken over by people loyal to Klaus Schwab, such as the IRS, the DOJ, the CIA and the FBI just to name a few, as well as the entire Presidential Cabinet which covers numerous others such as DOT (Secretary Pete Buttigieg is a member of the YGL) and the Treasury Department, but in addition to all of those institutions being directly compromised by Schwab and his NGOs, you have people like George Soros and his Open Society Foundation buying offices for DAs across the country who are refusing to prosecute serious criminal activity and instead releasing violent repeat offenders right back out onto the streets to commit more crimes.

You have them defunding and demoralizing, attacking and killing police officers to the point where nobody is able to hire new recruits anymore, you combine that with what they’ve done with COVID-19, the provocation of Vladimir Putin and Russia by way of starting a proxy war using Ukraine as a tool to do so, the attempted indoctrination of our young children via CRT at schools and hyper sexualization in order to wreck any hope of moral values on the part of our US residents in the near future, and throw in an unknown number of hostile people flowing across our southern border unimpeded as well as the CCP setting up shop in South America where they’ll have countless readily available staging points to invade our country, and you should begin to see what Joe Biden is doing to our national security.

If you can’t see it, you’re an idiot and you are why we are going to lose our country and many of us will probably die in the process including yourselves.

Joe Biden has delivered critical blow after critical blow to us from the office of the POTUS, after first rigging an election and getting caught doing so at which time absolutely nothing was done about it. I haven’t even named everything Joe has done to our country to compromise our security here at home and nobody is doing anything to stop any of it.

The Republican Senators and House Representatives listed below endorse and condone every single thing I’ve discussed here. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have voted for it to continue by passing the Omnibus bill that ensures that it will.

Here they are, and please keep this in mind the next time you have the opportunity to vote them out of office because if you continue to elect them, then you too condone and endorse every single thing that I’ve stated that Joe Biden has done to compromise our national security and the safety of every man, woman, and child in this country.

Full list of Republican Senators who voted in favor of the 2022 Omnibus Bill:

Full List of Republican House Representatives who voted in favor of the 2022 omnibus Bill:

  1. Roy Blunt (Missouri)
  2. John Boozman (Arkansas)
  3. Shelley Capito (West Virginia)
  4. Susan Collins (Maine)
  5. John Cornyn (Texas)
  6. Tom Cotton (Arkansas)
  7. Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
  8. Jim Inhofe (Oklahoma)
  9. Mitch McConnell (Kentucky)
  10. Jerry Moran (Kansas)
  11. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
  12. Rob Portman (Ohio)
  13. Mitt Romney (Utah)
  14. Mike Rounds (South Dakota)
  15. Richard Shelby (Alabama)
  16. John Thune (South Dakota)
  17. Roger Wicker (Mississippi)
  18. Todd Young (Indiana)
  1. Fred Upton (Michigan)
  2. Liz Cheney (Wyoming)
  3. Adam Kinzinger (Illinois)
  4. Rodney Davis (Illinois)
  5. Chris Jacobs (New York)
  6. John Katko (New York)
  7. Brian Fitzpatrick (Pennsylvania)
  8. Jaime Herrera Butler (Washington)
  9. Steve Womack (Arkansas)

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