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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

The World Economic Forum has Constructed a Grand Façade to Mask their True Intentions for the Masses of the World

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The “World Economic Forum” is not what it seems to be on the surface. To anyone who has never looked at their website before, a first impression will look like these people are saints and genuinely trying to make the world a better place. Nothing could be further from the truth than this façade that has been painstakingly constructed to hide the real agenda of these globalist elites’ and their true plans for the masses of the world.

When it comes to the WEF and its founder, Klaus Schwab, my advice to any onlooker who stumbles onto the WEF website would be to keep a couple of key points in mind. First, if their intentions were genuinely “good”, then why is everything they are doing behind the scenes being done quietly and without any of your input into the world’s most pressing matters at hand? You aren’t being given any choices in any of what they are doing. They are collectively making the decisions amongst themselves because in their minds, not only are they smarter than any of you, they are also more important than the larger majority of you are.

The second thing you would do well to keep in mind is that the ends should never be used to justify the means it takes to reach them. Yet from what I have seen of the WEF and how they operate, that is precisely how they conduct the majority of their affairs in international matters. Internally, there had to have been discussion at some point with their members and the members of the WEF’s child NGOs like the Forum of Young Global Leaders to avoid revealing to the general masses their affiliations and activities related to those international NGOs.

Why is there a need to refrain from telling the entire world what you are doing? And regardless of what any of their members might say about any of this, they can deny it if they wish to do so, there absolutely is an unspoken vow of secrecy in general when it comes to Klaus Schwab’s organizations and in general, what they are up to as a collective. They don’t advertise their activities in the general public square, and if they had then a great deal more people would know about them and all of their affiliated organizations.

How many times did Adam Kinzinger (former U.S. House Rep from Illinois and member of the Jan 6 Commission appointed to it by Nancy Pelosi) or Dan Crenshaw (U.S. House Rep. from Texas) ever publicly state their affiliation with the Forum of Young Global Leaders or the World Economic Forum? How about Texas Governor Greg Abbott? How many times has he publicly disclosed his affiliation with the World Economic Forum and their globalist agenda? Yet all three of those men who are all in positions of power and who have the ability to greatly alter the way you and I can pursue happiness in a manner that we choose to are all directly affiliated with and heavily influenced by the WEF and Klaus Schwab.

Those men are not the only Americans with serious influence over our lives who are also directly affiliated with the WEF. There are many, many more. Justin Trudeau, Canada’s current Prime Minister and his deputy Prime Minister are also members of the YGL. How many times have they ever publicly stated that they are members of the YGL? How about Mark Zuckerberg? That would be the same Mark Zuckerberg who spent $400 million of his own money influencing the outcome of the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden (the WEF’s desired candidate for the 2020 U.S. general election over Donald Trump).

Why Joe Biden? Well, because Joe Biden is also heavily involved in the World Economic Forum’s day-to-day operations and is also onboard with their global initiatives, including the Great Reset. That’s one reason he declared war on fossil fuels and opened up our southern border to the entire world on his first day in office. How many times has Joe Biden publicly stated his affiliations with the WEF and with Klaus Schwab?

That would be zero times. Yet Joe is directly affiliated with the WEF and actively implementing Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset initiative here in the United States, just as numerous other members of the WEF and Young Global Leaders are around the entire world, and each in their respective home nations. If Joe Biden were the only person capable of letting you know that he’s affiliated with the WEF however, you would never know it because he’s never publicly mentioned it, yet it is a fact. Why the secrecy? Why not just tell people that you are taking part in the globalist agenda if it is such a noble cause and an effort that is beneficial to the masses of the world? Everyone would love you, right?

The truth of the matter is that the World Economic Forum, the Forum of Young Global Leaders, Klaus Schwab, and several of his top people within his organizations got together over the past three decades and deliberately planned out and are now conducting an all out assault on the commoners of the world.

Klaus and his organizations actively cause major crises around the world and provide their valuable insights on how to fix them. I guess if you cause the problems then surely you will have some kind of special knowledge on how to solve those same problems. That is a no-brainer.

What they are doing is disturbing on so many levels, and they are doing all of it behind a grand façade they have constructed for the sole purpose of hiding what they are really doing and why they are doing it. It is not a conspiracy theory so much as it is an actual conspiracy, and it is a conspiracy that dwarfs anything the world has ever seen or likely ever will see again. Most of the people involved in all of it are also affiliated with the political left, and most of the people who are unaware that any of this is taking place are on the political right.

You can easily find well-known political leftists and their affiliations with the WEF and the YGL if you do some basic research online. As a matter of fact, if you do such research, you will quickly start making the connections and discovering that there are numerous people on the political left who are actively involved in these organizations. What you will not discover however, are equal amounts of well-known right-wing politicians in any country that are also affiliated with these same organizations.

I can’t even imagine the amount of planning in secret that had to go into their current activities and what it has taken to keep their secrets so secret over the years, but somehow they have pulled it off relatively well. It is mind boggling when you think about it, and seems impossible, yet they’ve done it. They are actually still doing it now, en masse, and they are the first people who will point their fingers at you and yell “Conspiracy Theorist!” if you try to point out any of this to anyone.

Lately they have perfected rigging elections all around the world and I say that because they have been quite successful at doing so in a number of nations. Unbelievably, they were even able to pull it off in the United States of America in 2020. This is in large part due to the fact that they have successfully highjacked the FBI, the CIA, and the DOJ in the United States, and so there was no recourse that regular Americans had to fight back as all of the institutions that were established to protect the laws in this country and the people those laws are meant to serve were suddenly employed to do the exact opposite. They were used to attack those laws and the rights of the people those laws were established to protect.

Think about all of the effort that had to have been put into making all of this happen. Like I said, it is mind boggling and even more so that they actually pulled it off. Most Americans still don’t even have a clue that this happened or that it is still happening.

Most Americans believe the US politics are still in the state of “politics as usual”. That is not the case, I’m sad to say. This nation is in a seriously degraded state thanks to the WEF and the YGL, and we are on the verge of losing our national sovereignty right now to a man in Davos Switzerland who was born in Nazi Germany in 1939 to parents who were likely loyal to Adolf Hitler and to the Nazi ideologies of the day. Fascism.

And it is a fascist empire that Klaus Schwab has painstakingly constructed since he set out to do so in 1971 when the WEF was formed in Europe. This empire of his combines massive global corporations and government, and that is the epitome of what fascism is. Klaus Schwab is the Nazi in Davos, and he is striking back at the United States of America, and he’s using a number of Americans to get it done including Joe Biden, who is actively attacking our nation from the office of the POTUS and handing us over on a silver platter to both Klaus Schwab and Xi Jinping of Communist Controlled China.

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