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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

Some of the Various Organizations and Initiatives by the World Economic Forum in Davos

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United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (global initiative)

Paris Agreement (international agreement)

  • amongst the elitist masters of the general public on planet earth

We Are Still In (global coalition)

  • investors
  • companies
  • cities (cities are people too)
  • has gathered thousands of signatures in support of a pledge to uphold the Paris Agreement

We Mean Business (global coalition)

  • coalition of non-profit organizations dedicated to partnering with the private sector
  • has engaged more than 1,500 companies (representing nearly $25 trillion in market value) to act on climate change
  • More than 150 of the companies affiliated with the effort have committed to a goal of 100% renewable power
  • many have committed to establishing science-based targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in their operations

C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (global group)

  • made up of more than 90 cities that have committed to 10,000 distinct “actions” to combat climate change
  • C40 cities represent about one quarter of the global economy and roughly 8% of the world’s population
  • aims to stir a global conversation that hastens progress towards a low-carbon economy

Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (global covenant)

  • provides a similar platform as the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group does
  • more than 9,000 cities that in total comprise about 10% of the world’s population

Climate Action 100+ (global initiative)

  • a global initiative systematically engaging with major corporate greenhouse gas emitters around the world

World Economic Forum’s Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders (global alliance)

  • comprised of CEOs who have pledged their allegiance and their loyalty to Klaus Schwab and his WEF, and its handful of elitist Schwab underlings
  • seeks to foster public-private collaboration (i.e., modern fascism modeled after that of Adolf Hitler but on a global scale rather than just a national scale as Hitler’s model had been) that can support the Paris Agreement and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

Final Notes:

  • By joining forces with these coalitions — policy-makers, organizations, and companies can demonstrate a real commitment to climate action, share best practices, and demonstrate leadership.
  • TRANSlation: by joining forces with these coalitions — policy-makers, organizations, and companies can demonstrate a real commitment to ending the United States of America and the American way of life, forever, at which time Klaus Schwab can take the throne as the rightful King of this World.
    • You will own nothing
    • You will be happy!
  • YOU, will be, SUBJUGATED!

Isn’t all of this wonderful?! Just kidding, if we cared what you thought about any of this, you would have been offered a spot at the table when we were planning out your insignificant futures. – WEF Mgmt.

One response to “Some of the Various Organizations and Initiatives by the World Economic Forum in Davos”

  1. Avatar The WEF’s entire control system was sold to the Russians.


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