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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

Joe Biden is Setting up America for Disaster, Intentionally

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I remember back in the day when you could walk into Micro Center and purchase a Raspberry Pi for $30, bring it home, throw a Linux distro on it for free, and do pretty much anything you could do on a desktop PC provided you had some technical skills and knowledge and some peripheral devices to plug into it.

That was a long, long time ago. Now, you can’t get a Pi at Micro Center, and they can’t tell you when, or if, they will have any to sell you. You can buy one on Amazon but it’s going to cost you $100 for the same Pi you used to pay less than $30 for, just a few long years ago…

What changed? Well, Joe Biden happened to us, that’s what. Once he got into office and the rig was successful, and the entire country just sat back and allowed that piece of shit to literally attack this nation in numerous ways from the office of the POTUS, Klaus Schwab was able to directly cause the supply chain issues that he did and blame it on Covid-19, another one of his own creations. Sure the virus was created in a lab in CCP controlled China, but it was Klaus who had Dr. Fauci use American taxpayer dollars to finance the research and development of that virus.

It was Klaus who openly declared war on the world in 2020 in his video that was bizarrely similar to an Austin Powers movie, with him being the likeness of Dr. Evil. It is so unbelievable that most people, well, don’t believe it. Klaus isn’t fucking around though, Klaus is destroying the free world as I type this. He is destroying life as you know it, and you don’t even know it yet.

After Klaus caused the buildup of ships outside of the ports in this nation by doing a number of things through his proxy, Joe Biden, he then told Biden to finish destroying the oil and gas industry and then to hit the US economy as hard as he could with as much stimulus as he could have rammed through Congress as quickly as possible.

That would destroy our currency and our economy, and it would give the CCP a marked advantage over us on the world stage. Of course, they even lodged a ship in the Panama canal sideways to block other ships from being able to make their deliveries on time, further backing up the shipping problem they had already created. Who tries to turn around a super-long cargo ship in a canal that isn’t as wide as the ship is long? Do you think any captain of a ship that size doesn’t understand that won’t work out well? That shit was done on purpose just like everything else they’ve done to us has been.

Biden was also told to destroy our global reputation as much as possible so you saw him order embassies to place giant gay pride and BLM tapestries on the outside of the embassies around the world. And he intentionally did what he did in Afghanistan to obliterate any reputation we had left, he even got Americans and innocent Afghans killed by deliberately evacuating from the worst possible place in that country while walking away from the most secure and advanced airbase in the world and handing it over to the Chinese Communist party on a silver platter.

He left the equipment behind, all 80 billion dollars worth so that the Chinese communist party and other enemies of ours could bring it over here and use it against us. That is a shit ton of military hardware and weaponry, so what are your light firearms going to do against the likes of that? Nothing. You are going to be mowed down, and there will be no US military to come and save you because right now, Joe Biden is destroying that institution as well, on purpose.

He forced diversity training and CRT on military, he forced vaccines on the general public and on the military, but he was especially hard on the military and the medical industry, causing thousands of civilian medical workers to lose their jobs, and possibly their careers, and their retirements. This is because he wants our medical industry to be weak so that when the chaos breaks out, more people will die as a result. He wants to maximize that because he is an evil sick twisted sorry sack of shit. That, and he’s getting paid a lot of money to make sure all of this happens.

He has the southern border wide open allowing people from every nation on earth to pour across it as they will, and foreign countries are emptying their prisons and their mental hospitals, sending those people to our southern border to cross it into our country. This while the cartels and the CCP flood our country with synthetic drugs that are extremely deadly, resulting in 100s of thousands of people being poisoned in this country and dying as a result.

They want this so that we won’t have as many men to fight when the CCP decides to invade us from the staging points they’ve setup all over South America. They couldn’t have invaded from across the world, but from South America, they certainly can do that.

Joe Biden is the first POTUS in US history to disregard the Monroe Doctrine, and this is precisely how the CCP has been able to setup their staging points all over South America. They are also setting up staging points in Canada. That is because YOU, are about to be invaded by the CCP, thanks to nobody at all here doing anything about any of what Joe Biden is doing.

Joe Biden is depleting our Strategic Oil Reserve to levels lower than they have ever been since they’ve been filled. They are critically low now, and we won’t have enough fuel to defend ourselves when China attacks us. By the way, Joe is selling that oil to the CCP, go figure. I’m sure they are stockpiling it on their various properties in South America to use against us when they invade our country.

Joe Biden is sending all of our weapons and our munitions to Ukraine, depleting our stockpiles so that we don’t have a way to defend ourselves when the CCP invades us.

Considering they have staging points in Canada as well as in South America, they will hit us from all sides when the time comes and it will be lambs to a slaughter. They are going to just mow everyone here down like a lawnmower cutting grass. This is going to happen because people here are too stupid to see what they are doing, to see how Joe Biden is setting us up to have our asses handed to us in a brown paper bag so the CCP can shove it down our throats and watch us choke on them.

I’m pretty sure that Ukraine, the Ukrainian government that is, is selling our own tanks, transports, weapons systems, etc, to the Chinese who are stock-piling it all. I’d be willing to bet they are doing this while simply allowing the Russians to kill as many of the Ukrainian people as possible while they, the Ukrainian government, simply turn and look the other way. They have this planned for America too, it just takes a little bit more planning and logistics management to do it here, but they’ve pretty much pulled it off, they’re just about ready.

It really is just a matter of time. Watch, you will see.

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