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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

The Political Left Launched the Ongoing, World-Wide Attack on the Political Right in 2020, or Did They?

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Make no mistake, if you repeat any of this to a leftist in your country or anywhere else for that matter, you will instantly be labeled a violent, right-wing conspiracy theorist and extremist, a racist, and a fascist who is an eminent danger to democracy who needs to be dealt with in a manner that will neutralize the threat that you pose. And even though you would be correct if you did repeat any of this in a claim that it was the truth, you would be accused of spreading disinformation and/or misinformation as well.

But before I get into the real meat of this post, if you are a leftist, I encourage you not to leave after the next few paragraphs because you have no idea what this post is really about unless you read it to the end. And it is important that you know what this post is really about, and so I kindly ask you not to get too offended by the next few passages because this post isn’t about you at all. Now, I will continue…

I haven’t kept up too much with how the rest of the world is coping with this all out war that the political left has declared on all those who aren’t members of their approved mindset, of their collective, of their hive mind, and that is because one of their main tactics is to bombard all non-leftists with so much chaos at once that they can’t possibly deal with all of it. They do this to create confusion so that you won’t be able to do what is in your own best interests for yourselves, for your families, for your friends and neighbors, for your country, and even for the rest of the entire world.

This is a proven and well known Communist and Fascist tactic used for destroying a nation’s current system in order to replace it with a system that they approve of, collectively. In the case of the United States of America, they are currently destroying the Constitutional Republic that we have had here since the late 1700’s and replacing it with a totalitarian dictatorship made up of corrupt global elites.

They are replacing our current form of government with a hybrid blend of a Communist + Fascist, one world government where we are to be ruled over by some unelected, European dictator who means for us to live according to the way he feels like he wants us to. We are to do as he says, but never as he does, and if we don’t obey, we will be discarded as if we were nothing more than a piece of trash being disposed of in a trashcan.

None of this is opinion, by the way. This is what is happening, it is well planned out amongst everyone involved, and the global attack on freedom and liberty and the common people of the world began in a place called Davos, Switzerland at the behest of the man who means to rule the world, Klaus Schwab. In 2020, Klaus issued his order to attack, and in an extremely well-coordinated attack, the globalists in every nation they have a foothold in began in astounding synchronicity and with near perfect precision.

I quickly noticed that what I was seeing here in the United States wasn’t isolated to the United States, but was a much larger, international trend that leaned to the political left in every nation I was watching the same things happen in. Every single thing I watched happen for the next few years in these numerous nations also all happened to be topics of interest covered by the World Economic Forum in recent years.

The connection to that organization and tying it to all of the current events transpiring across the globe was easily established, still is and can be easily established for anyone willing to do some basic online research into the matter. Once you do that research you’ll see that this isn’t something that happened overnight, but rather, these global elitists have been planning this out for at least 30 years, but probably longer than that. They have been quietly meeting in Klaus Schwab’s living room and planning out how to subjugate and even exterminate the world’s population because they feel like the world is overpopulated and that it is an existential threat to humanity.

They also feel like if anyone gets to survive and continue living in this world, it should be them because they are more important than any of us are. They also have the wealth to wage the war on us that we don’t have to wage on them. They control all of the levers of power in the world, they have all of the control, all of the money, all of the vast human and natural resources at their fingertips, and they even have all of the world’s military might to keep them protected and isolated from any type of retaliation for what they are doing to us all, right out in the open for God and country to watch them do.

While they aren’t trying very hard to hide the things they’re doing, they are making a coordinated effort to lie, and continue lying about it all when confronted on the various issues they are causing for humanity at present. Keep in mind, this isn’t really a left-wing vs right-wing fight, this is a globalist elite vs the non-globalist global population of commoners fight. The longer they can keep people believing that this is a Democrat vs Republican thing, the longer they can continue to attack us all out in the open without fear of any kind of repercussions.

While the leadership of the Democrat party in the United States of America and other nations being attacked at present are actually not Democrats, but globalists, the Democrat voting base in the U.S. believes that they are taking part in a Democrat vs Republican fight, and the Republican voting base largely believes the same thing. So instead of dropping the politics of today and realizing that this isn’t a political thing, it is a fight where our very freedoms and liberties are on the line if we lose, they continue fighting amongst themselves while the globalists continue destroying the very foundations of what makes the United States of America, the United States of America.

Joe Biden isn’t a democrat, Joe Biden is a globalist elitist, and an extremely corrupt one for that matter who has broken numerous laws, both before he had the 2020 election rigged for him, and after, from inside the White House. But as long as he can keep the democrats in the US believing that he actually represents them and their best interests, they’ll continue to bite, claw, scratch, punch, shoot, blow up, and firebomb anyone who tries to convince them otherwise.

This will be to their own detriment in the end, because once Joe Biden is successful, there will be no undoing the damage that he has done. It will also be to the detriment of everyone else who isn’t democrat as well, like republicans, independents, libertarians, non-partisan isolationists, nationalists, non-nationalists, and pretty much every single American who isn’t a globalist elitist for that matter.

All of those non-globalist-elitist Americans, and there’s about a 99.9999% that you are in that category, but all of those people will be enslaved in a repressive, totalitarian dictatorship if they even can survive, or if they even want to. But most likely you will be exterminated, culled, killed off like useless pests because you aren’t going to be deemed fit for subjugation and that is what the elites desire in their future slaves. And considering that they are about to be running the show due to the fact that commoners aren’t likely to realize what I’m saying is true and actually counter any of what they are doing in a meaningful way, they will also have the means to kill as many of us off, as many of you off as they want to and there will be no repercussions to them for their doing so.

Guess what America? France? Spain? Mexico? Brazil? England? Scotland? Ireland? Greece? Italy? Germany? Australia? Norway? Iceland? Greenland? Antarctica? Any other nation I’ve failed to mention? Guess what?

Nobody is coming to save you from the fate that is currently being shaped into a form that you are going to choke on and die from when it is ready. Right now, they are collectively gearing up for the kill shot, and you are in the cross-hairs of their sites. If your bank account doesn’t currently have several million dollars in it and you don’t have a safe full of gold and silver bullion, and diamonds and other precious stones, then you are not safe and you have been targeted and you are currently under attack.

Not only that, but they are using you to attack each other so they don’t have to figure out a way to fight you themselves. That is utterly critical for their success and so without that, they would lose this fight. It is the only way they can win and so they are keeping you occupied with a million different crises at once, just drowning you under a sea of issues they’re causing to happen on purpose so that you cannot discern what is in your best interests and unite together as free people and counter their attacks on humanity and on freedom, to counter their attacks on both you, and your political foes alike.

That’s right, Joe Biden is attacking democrats, his own party’s voters in a manner equal to that of which he is attacking the republicans. I’ve come to the conclusion however that we don’t have a lot of hope at present because in order for you to do what is in your own best interests as a nation, as a world, you have to drop the utter hatred you have for Donald Trump and walk away from it. I don’t think that the Trump haters are capable of this, and because of that fact alone, our nation is screwed, and so is the rest of the entire world because the world needs the United States if freedom is to survive going forward.

While you are busy hating Donald Trump for being a nationalist, or for being some odd color of orange in skin-tone and having an abrasive manner in which he conducts himself in public, and for being arrogant, Joe Biden is destroying your country, your way of life, your home, and you have nowhere in the entire world that you will be able to escape to when he succeeds as a result of your intolerance for a single human being named Donald J. Trump. Your hatred of that man is going to be the end of the world you know, and you are going to wake up in complete shock when someone comes for you to end your life. To anyone who would mock me for any of what I’ve said here, guess what?

You are going to remember every word of it and you are also going to regret every single moment that you wasted not listening to what I said here. And then, you will receive death at the hands of people whom you thought were on your side but never were.

You will not be mocking anyone at that point in time, you will die at that moment and it will be a direct result of your own arrogance and your refusal to even try to discern what are facts and what aren’t facts. You will regret being a parrot of the mainstream media, you will regret allowing them to tell you what to think and how to behave, for not taking the time to find out for yourselves whether or not you were being lied to by all the people whom you never should have trusted to begin with.

I pray that you will listen to reason and wake up before it is too late for the world, because like you, I will be in the exact same boat that you are in if you do not. This transcends politics, this isn’t about Democrat vs Republican, this is about American and freedom, and liberty vs the exact opposite of those things. What I’m telling you here represents that Americanism, that freedom, that liberty, and what Joe Biden and his globalist friends in numerous other nations are attempting to bring to you is death.

Make no mistake, you, and everyone you know is under attack right now, drop the hate and be American, drop the hate and you will have some hope, but if you don’t, like me, you are about to watch the end of the United States of America, the end of freedom, and the end of liberty in the entire world.

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