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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

They are Attacking the Hell Out of the United States of America, and There’s Nobody Paying Close Enough Attention to Connect the Dots

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Studies that have emerged on the “vaccine”, more than one, and one of them from the No. 2 ranked hospital in the world, they all show the same thing, that if you got the shot your chances of getting COVID went up, if you got more than one dose, your chances went up even more, and the more doses you got, the greater your chances were of getting deathly ill when you did catch COVID.

If you wonder why Joe Biden mandated that everyone take the jab, it is probably for the same exact reason why he left Bagram Airbase abandoned for the CCP to simply fly into it and land and take over with the greatest of ease, why he left 80 billion dollars worth of US weapons and equipment behind to go with it, why he’s selling the CCP all the oil in our Strategic Oil Reserves as I write this, why he has destroyed our energy production here at home, why he hasn’t enforced the Monroe Doctrine since he’s been in office allowing the CCP to colonize and control ports and other infrastructure in South America, why he has our Southern border wide open and is allowing anyone who wants to come into our country to come into our country including terrorists and members of Mexican cartels and gangs

It is why he’s allowing poisonous fentanyl to pour into our country and kill many thousands of Americans a year, and why he’s allowing Soros backed DAs to refuse to prosecute violent and even murderous criminals and release them back out onto our streets.

And for the same reason, Joe Biden is purging conservative-minded people out of the military, forcing CRT training on them, and woke ideologies, it’s why he forced them to get the vaccine which he’s fully aware causes horrible blood clots, heart problems, and increases the odds of the recipients getting sick with COVID and dying.

Keep in mind, he forced the democrats in the military to take those death shots too. He wants them as dead as he wants the republican troops. It is why he got angry during one of his addresses to the nation regarding the vaccine, and he said that they were starting to lose their patience, because they were. The less people who took the vaccine, the less people were going to die, and that isn’t what the plan was.

This was all planned out at the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland, amongst the handful of globalist elites who travel there annually to meet up and discuss how to get rid of the people who are responsible for climate change, ie, you, me, and everyone we know and everyone they know. The problem with this world, in their eyes, is that it is full of people, it is too full of people, and so they have devised various ways to get rid of us.

This is why they’ve been doing gain of function research in CCP controlled labs for at least a decade, it is why Vladimir Putin was making a big stink over bio labs near his borders in Ukraine shortly before he invaded that country, because those labs were being used for the same purposes as the ones the CCP is running in China are.

The CCP is steadily bolstering the ranks of its military and manufacturing war machinery like jets, tanks, ships, submarines, ammunition, missiles, nuclear weapons, etc, etc…

The CCP isn’t ramping down its carbon emissions, it is ramping them up. And while all this is going on, remember, Joe Biden is depleting our emergency supply of oil that is only supposed to be tapped into during times of war. It is there to ensure we can defend ourselves from an attack if some world superpower ever decided to do that to us. Kind of like China is getting ready to do.

They’ll use our oil, they will use our weaponry that Joe left for them in Afghanistan precisely for that purpose, and because he’s depleting our supply of weapons and equipment as well, giving it to the Ukrainians, we won’t have any way to defend ourselves against the people who will be using our own things to literally invade us and just mow everything in their path down like a lawnmower cutting grass.

They have banned fertilizers that are needed for farmers to produce enough food for the populations of their countries, they have worked hard to try and ban fossil fuels in every nation except for China, some places have passed laws that will ban gas powered engines by a set date in the future, and at the same time they have banned Nuclear energy and have been shutting down nuclear power plants around the world which is going to create a catastrophe in every area that has done so.

Nuclear energy is one of the cleanest and most efficient forms of power that we have ever had, so why have they done this? Well, because of what I’m telling you now. What I’ve told you already. It is the only scenario that makes sense that all of these variables fit into perfectly, like missing little puzzle pieces to the answer for the question “Why?”

I don’t know about other regions of the world, but here in the U.S. they have been crashing airplanes into food processing plants and causing them to catch fire in various ways. There were two of those incidents within a week’s time not too long ago, and there were some other unexplained explosions that resulted in massive fires that leveled some food processing/storage facilities as well.

They have slaughtered millions of poultry blaming bird flu for their reason as to why. They have poisoned thousands of head of cattle, they have derailed trains and caused terrible wrecks in the process, and a couple of those at least have resulted in deadly chemicals spilling out into the environment.

These events have all increased in frequency by an extreme amount since 2020, and they are not happening simply by chance. There are people doing this, and there should be little doubt that it is either people affiliated with the CCP, or it is people affiliated with the World Economic Forum, and more than likely, it is both.

Every single national-security-critical action Joe Biden has taken since he took office has left an additional gaping hole in it that wasn’t there prior to his illegitimate term. And yes, with the help of the World Economic Forum, Joe Biden did rig the 2020 election and he forced out the rightful POTUS because the rightful POTUS was undoing the damage that they had been quietly inflicting over the years in preparation for what they are doing to us right now.

Right now, every single American is under an all out attack and their plans are for every single one of us to be dead and enroute to the incinerators when they are finished. It doesn’t matter how any of this makes you feel, and you can say whatever you’d like to about me, but mark my words, if you don’t get in gear and do something your dead body will be headed to an incinerator near you very soon for disposal. They can’t just leave all the bodies laying around decaying everywhere, that would cause disease and they don’t want that.

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