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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

What Does Brandon Lehtsko Think About the Current Geopolitical Arena? The “Lehtsko Theory” is This:

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Once Biden is finished destroying our country piece by piece, and the CCP invades us and wipes out pretty much everyone here, and they’ll be able to because Joe Biden will not activate the military to counter the attack, nothing any of you care about right now really matters too much anymore at that point, especially after Biden detonates our nukes here in the US to get rid of the CCP’s army while they’re still here.

That is Biden’s plan, those are the intentions of the WEF and Klaus Schwab. They need us gone, they need the CCP to help them achieve that, but then they still have a problem, Xi will have the ultimate military and it won’t be friendly to the WEF once the USA is out of the way.

They, the WEF, are setting the CCP up to be wiped out. I mean think about it, what is Xi Jinping gonna do? Nuke the U.S. if Biden nukes the U.S.? That won’t do Xi Jinping a bit of damn good to do that, and he’s going to be screwed by the WEF in the end. Or will he still be able to screw the WEF right back?

Yep, that won’t likely be the last the WEF hears from Xi Jinping after they wipe out Xi’s military with nukes. I’d be willing to bet that Xi has that virus he’s been trying to make that only infects people who are not of Chinese ancestry.

That is why Xi has been collecting the world’s DNA for the past several years, it’s why the Chinese Communist Party owns all the genetic ancestry family tree businesses around the world, and why they have the largest DNA database on the planet, and it’s why they won’t allow any other nation to obtain Chinese DNA. Xi needed all that for the research his labs needed to conduct to make that virus a reality. He’ll release that virus, and that is going to really thin out the rest of the worlds population.

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