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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

Old Harmless Joe Biden, Just an Old Man. Actually, He is Ending You, You Just Don’t Know It Yet

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Don’t think that the U.S. could be invaded by a foreign country? You are dead wrong.

Joe Biden abandoned 80 Billion dollars worth of U.S. military equipment, ammunition, and vehicles in Afghanistan when we withdrew, along with Bagram Airbase which is the most advanced airbase in the world capable of landing and launching the largest aircraft that mankind is capable of producing.

The CCP has since taken over the operation of that airbase. The CCP didn’t have to lift a finger to take over that airbase, Joe Biden simply turned the lights off and left the doors open for them, and didn’t even have to tell them the job was done because it was being broadcast all over the internet and the news outlets in real time.

Leaving 80 billion dollars worth of advanced US weapons and vehicles behind is problematic on its own, in many ways too I might add, but doing that at a time when we are now sending our stockpiles of weapons and defense systems to Ukraine to — (quote) ” help them fight Russia ” (end quote) — and then taking into account that we are not tooled up in the U.S. to make more of these defense systems or even ammunition for a war makes sending any of our stockpiles to anyone anywhere a foolish and irresponsible thing to do. Of course, it makes it foolish and irresponsible at best, but considering that what Joe Biden is doing to us right now is not accidental, it makes it treasonous.

Joe Biden is ignoring the Monroe Doctrine. He is the first POTUS in US history to do so. For this reason, the CCP has quietly moved into South America and is building ports and infrastructure all over that continent. For the first time since 1823, we have a foreign super-power colonizing and building in our hemisphere. None of us have ever been in more real danger of being attacked on American soil by a formidable adversary such as the CCP.

Joe Biden is depleting our Strategic Oil Reserves which are meant for the sole purpose of defending this nation and our citizens from a foreign invader should the unthinkable happen and a foreign adversary attack us. That fuel is meant for the purpose of giving us a fighting chance should we be hit with a surprise attack on our mainland. Those reserves have not been at levels as low as they currently are since they were established. And who is Joe Biden selling the majority of that oil to? Take a guess…. The CCP.

The CCP was recently caught operating a spy balloon in the US, and we know that it lingered around critical US military locations and was most likely collecting intel on them and how they operate in search of weaknesses.

If we have no weapons, no fuel, and a POTUS who gives the order for our military to stand down if we are invaded, how are you going to defend yourselves against a war machine like the one that Xi Jinping has recently constructed. He isn’t gearing up like he is because he’s going on vacation to Disney World. He’s doing it because he’s gearing up for an attack on the US.

He’ll deal with Taiwan after he gets rid of all of you, and all of the people you love and care about. Once they are all dead, which is his plan, then, then he will deal with Taiwan and you won’t give a single damn about it because you will have been burned to ashes in an incinerator after the CCP’s army butchered you.

Don’t sweat it though, while you are preoccupied not doing what you should be and paying attention to what the hell is happening in the world around you, Joe Biden is handing you over to an enemy who wants everyone who isn’t of Asian descent to die. And his plan is to kill every last one of you. Every last one. No quarter will be given, you will not be spared. And if they invade and it goes down like I’ve laid it out here, every last one of you will die because you will be completely defenseless thanks to a criminal dickhead in the White House and various government agencies and news media outlets that protect him from being brought to justice.

Good job. Well done. You have all completely botched fulfilling your civic duty to your country. Complete failure. And it is going to cost you everything you have including your lives, and the lives of everyone you have ever known. It also means that every single American ever killed in any war on foreign or American soil fighting for this country died in vain, and that is a direct result of your failure.

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