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The 14th Colony – Established July 4 1776 by the Alpha and the Omega – Built to Last for Eternity

The Calm Before the Storm of Consequences of Joe Biden’s Illegitimate Presidency

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If Donald Trump ever steps foot back into the White House as a legitimate resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., it will be nothing short of a miracle, I’m certain of it. They jumped through blazing hoops and pulled every dirty trick they had in their election rigging playbook in order to get him out of the White House, and that was while Trump was still in control of the military.

Of course, that control was only honorary as some in high level positions in the military have stated that it was, considering they would not have followed any orders of his they felt were out of their perceived realm of “normal”. If it were me in Trump’s shoes and one of them did that, I’d fire them on the spot and replace them with someone smarter. Proof of Darwin does pop up from time to time and that would just be evolution taking its natural course in the military.

Whether or not Trump gets back in, all Americans have some pressing issues that must be addressed and soon or there will be consequences so severe that it very well could literally end the United States of America. And if those consequences don’t end us, they’d still prove to be quite devastating to our society. We are in a very dangerous situation right now because of Joe Biden, and direct actions he has taken on many different issues, every single one of which are serious blows to our national security.

What is worse is that there is no way that Joe Biden isn’t aware that what he is doing is causing these huge gaps in our national security. The man has been a fixture in Washington, DC for 50 years, and served as VP of the US for 8 years of it, and years in the Senate prior to that. He is well aware of what will maintain our national security and what will break it, and most of his actions as POTUS so far have worked to break it. That also tells me that it isn’t accidental, nobody has luck that bad.

If he isn’t doing these things on accident, then there is only one other option that is feasible, and that is that he’s doing these things on purpose. I honestly believe that he is, and I sincerely hope that I’m wrong, but if I’m not, we have no time at all to spare to do something about it. Considering the extent of the damage he’s done to our national security so far, and he’s not done yet, we might not even have any time at all left to prevent a catastrophic attack on our mainland.

After putting a list together and thinking about it, it seems that he is positioning us to be attacked here in the US by several different hostile factions, and made up of both domestic adversaries, and foreign adversaries.

Whether you are a democrat or a republican, to leave the Southern border open as he has done for 3 years now, knowing that there have been individuals on the terror watchlist caught by border patrol and prevented from entering into this country, it is nothing short of a serious crime to take no action to address the border issues appropriately. The responsibility to defend our nation from outside threats starts with the President and it also ends with the President.

Yet the democrats have done nothing but enable Joe Biden to do this starting on the very first day after being sworn in and persisting until this current point in time. To top that off, the Republicans have done nothing substantial to address it, or to even make a serious attempt to stop it either.

My guess is that there are hundreds of thousands of terrorists in this country right now, mostly thanks to Joe Biden and his policies, which again, have been his intentions from day 1. This was all planned out by the World Economic Forum and their think tanks though, where it was decided that the world would be better off if there were no Americans in it. To the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab specifically, the ends justify the means and his decision is to literally kill us but not by attacking us head on, at least not at first.

What they have done is to slowly infiltrate our political and military ranks over the past 5 decades or so, give or take, which they have successfully accomplished adequately for the attack they are now unleashing on us and the rest of western civilization.

But it is the US that is standing in their way. Once we can no longer prevent them from subjugating the rest of the world, the rest of the world will fall the very day after we do. If we fail to stop them now, at this point in time, the world will be a dark place for a great deal of people for the foreseeable future. The entire world will look exactly like Communist China looks because it is China’s model that the globalist elites intend on duplicating, just not under the rule of a Chinese dictator.

There is another interesting bit of information when it comes to Klaus Schwab and his totalitarian aspirations, and that is that his empire, which is well established already by the way, it isn’t a communist empire but rather a fascist one.

Fundamentally the only difference is that instead of using the all powerful government to micromanage the production of anything and everything, the government (Klaus Schwab, King of the World) will micromanage the corporations which in turn will micromanage everything they have permission from this unelected king, to manage. To some extent the corporations have a say in the governance of the people whom this new empire has established are subordinate to them, all of us commoners.

In this new world they are forcing upon us right now, we will no longer have a say in any major decisions as they will be the ones who will decide what we may and may not do and when we will and won’t do it. You may have already noticed that they are doing this now. Here are some examples that you have probably noticed, but probably weren’t so sure of why these things were happening:

  • Klaus Schwab plans out in detail and aids in the rigging of the 2020 US General election and installs Joe Biden after successfully overthrowing the Trump Administration in a coup d’état. While Klaus obviously didn’t single-handedly do this himself, his countless subordinate think tanks across the world coordinated and collaborated with one another and facilitated everything that was needed in order for them to pull this off, successfully.
  • Joe Biden shuts down the KeystoneXL Pipeline on his first day in office in 2021 (on inauguration day)
  • Joe Biden dissolves the US/Mexico border and halts all production on the border wall on his first day in office in 2021. (on inauguration day) The Biden-caused border/migration “crisis” begins and continues still to this day, with millions of illegal migrants being herded into the United States of America and causing numerous and serious threats to our national security and to the very stability of our society in general. This is the single largest threat to our nation, and if left unchecked as it has been and still is, it will destroy the United States of America with totality and finality. That isn’t a matter of “if”, it is a matter of “when”, if it isn’t dealt with by Americans to stop it, it will destroy our country completely and totally, it will literally end the United States of America, which is the intended goal of the World Economic Forum and its founder, Klaus Schwab, for the USA.
  • Borders across the globe between various nations have been dissolved and migrants have been artificially influenced by Klaus Schwab to migrate across them in order to disrupt the societies they are being herded into. George Soros is a subordinate of Klaus Schwab’s, and the workings of his Open Societies Foundation is being used as a catalyst by Klaus Schwab for the purpose of causing the host societies to collapse in preparation for him to rebuild them in the image that he deems fit
  • Joe Biden intentionally sabotages the Afghanistan withdrawal and causes several national security problems for the United States during the course of leaving that region
  • Joe Biden draws Russia into an armed conflict with Ukraine and uses Russia to exterminate the majority of the Ukrainian population
  • Joe Biden causes a war between Israel and Palestine by displaying a weak military posture in the United States for the rest of the world to see, this is intentional
  • Nuclear power plants have been deemed unsafe, and many of them have been shut down or are going to be shut down around the world
  • Fossil fuels have been banned in the near future and are being phased out by nations under the control of Klaus Schwab, including the United States by way of Joe Biden who is a subordinate of Klaus Schwab’s, and basically an installed, puppet dictator of his in the United States of America
  • People around the world are being forced to use dilute forms of energy for their daily needs in the name of diversity, inclusion, and equity (die). (Based on the actions that Klaus and his subordinates are taking around the world, dying is exactly what it looks as though they want and intend for you to do, because their actions have already caused many people to die, and will cause multitudes more to die in the short-term future if not stopped.)

The list goes on and on and on. Those are only a few of the details that many or maybe even most of you weren’t already aware of. Or you may have been aware of the “what” was happening, but not quite aware of the “who” is behind it, or the “why” it is all being done.

I have my theories as to “why” Klaus is doing what he’s doing, and “why” people like Joe Biden and John Kerry are helping him and his inner circle wreak havoc across western democracies, but all things considered there are only a few things we all should be concerned about.

First of all, why is anything they’re doing a partisan issue in American politics? It isn’t. The border for instance, the human trafficking, the drugs pouring in, the people who are illegally crossing the border in droves, by the hundreds of thousands per month at this point. The monthly total has increased every single month for almost three years now. The highest number of people on the terrorist watchlist to ever be caught trying to cross our border illegally was a record recently set, thanks to Joe Biden and his policies.

Am I missing something, or do terrorists only attack Republicans and white people? What is it that Democrats think is going to happen with all of the ones who didn’t get caught and made it across the border undetected? Do Democrats think they’ll sit around a bond fire with these people who hate their guts and sing kumbaya and tell stories about how they’re getting rid of all republicans so there can be peace on earth? I assure you, that is not what their intentions are, and right now, there are probably 100s of 1000s of them here that we have no record of.

Right now, I can virtually guarantee you that they are planning and coordinating, and preparing for carrying out a massacre the likes of which the world may never have seen before. When that begins, nobody is going to be prepared for it here, nobody. They are going to kill everything they see that breathes, including suburban democrat women, entire families are going to be caught up in that slaughter. Do you think Joe Biden doesn’t know that is going to happen? You’re damned right he does, so why hasn’t he closed the border yet?

Perhaps democrats should drop their petty political grievances and forget about the fact that Joe Biden claims “democrat” as his party, wake up and realize that he’s no such thing, rather a globalist, and he’s betraying our country by doing things like what he’s doing with the border.

If allowing terrorists to flock into this country by the 1000s and allowing them to disappear into the interior of this country is helping the democrats in some way, please explain to me how that is considering they are going to kill just as many democrat voters when they launch their attacks as they are going to kill republicans and independents. They don’t give a single damn about your politics, they only care that you are American and they live to kill you, they think of nothing more than of that.

Joe Biden has set us all up for a disaster of epic proportions, he has even given military aged men plane tickets via his government app so they can fly directly into airports around the country and skip having to take the long way to get here! He has set us all up for all hell to break loose on account of all of the middle easterners that he has shipped over here and allowed entry by simply opening the border and then ignoring it for 3 years, while the democrat voting base insulates him and allows him to continue what he’s doing unimpeded.

Mark my words, right now, we are in the calm before the storm of consequences that Joe Biden has deliberately staged and put into place for all of us, democrat voters included, to suffer through once they begin to take place one after the other with no end in sight.

This is what Joe Biden has already brought to places in the world, and it is what he is bringing to the USA as well. Many of you will not believe it until it begins, but it is coming.

If Americans would come together and Unite, he couldn’t pull it off, but you won’t do that because of your freaking politics! Those politics are about to be responsible for ending many of you, many of your families, many of your friends and loved ones in general, and when that happens just remember that it will also be your fault. So own it when it gets here because when that time comes, you’re going to wear it just like all Americans it happens to will, and you will not be asked what political party you belong to before you’re murdered because they don’t care, they want to kill you for being American, not for being a republican or a democrat.

Enjoy the calm before the storm, because I promise you that it is brewing, I can feel it and I just know it. To all of you who have allowed Joe Biden and Klaus Schwab to set us up for this disaster the way that you have, you are useless. Useless. You will be ashamed that you did that, I promise, ashamed. At that time, you will be able to change nothing, it will be too late to do anything except for regret ignoring people like me who tried all they could to warn you all what was coming. You gave all of us a punch to the throat and a kick to the gut, and a bullet in the head. Thanks.


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